Greater Kansas City Officials Association - Kansas City, Missouri


Softball/Baseball Home

At the March meeting of the GKCOA Board of Directors, we voted to expand the GKCOA to include Baseball and Softball umpires with the beginning of our new fiscal year on May 1, 2019.  It has been 20 years since we last added a sport (Volleyball) to the GKCOA.  Baseball and Softball will initially be a combined division within the GKCOA.  As membership and interest grows within this new division, the Board will re-evaluate whether the combined division remains the best way to serve our membership or if separate divisions are necessary.

The following umpires have graciously agreed to join the Leadership Committee led by Terry Stevens our Vice President of Baseball/Softball:  Anita Robinett, Bob Jones, Steve Eklund, and John Jackson.  These umpires represent a wide cross-section.  All have a great deal of experience and are widely recognized for their ability. 

Our team wants to try and help you in any way they can.  If you have questions or need more information please contact Vice President of Baseball/Softball – Terry Stevens at